I am always on the lookout for something, anything that might be of interest to me and maybe others if I decide to share. So I was fortunate enough to find something with little effort. On hole number four I teed off, had a less-than-average throw for which I was not too pleased with. I almost always struggle with this drive; this hole is long and narrow with little forgiveness. Just near my disc I spotted what I call a toad stool ring. Me being me it caught my attention. Maybe you have to be slightly nerdy, geeky or just strange to find fascination with something so mundane? So there I stood taking it in and breaking out my phone to take some photos of it for later. Now this is not the first toad stool ring I have ever seen but I wanted to investigate.
Later I trolled the internet for any info that would add to my knowledge of such occurrences. I found some really great science to explain why they come up in a circle sometimes, very interesting. Truthfully I was bored pretty quick and I started to read what I was really looking for. The many other names and histories I was vaguely familiar with, fairy rings and circles, elf rings and circles, pixie rings or even witch rings. Bingo! This is right up my alley, in my wheel house as they say. I read the folklore as it varied from different regions and how they are considered good or bad but usually something to steer clear of. Of course I made the connection with different literary works like A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the Tempest. To me it was fascinating and made me want to start a story that was based around ‘what if’ with the rings. Another time perhaps, I already have too many stories in the works.
Now before I left my curiosity I decided to test what little I knew of the mythology; I threw caution to the wind, sort of. I didn’t have the desire to stand in the middle of the ring to see if I would be whisked off to another plane of existence, trapped where no one could see me; or meet the creatures of old folk tales who would instruct me on lost knowledge. No, not that brave and the ring was small, I would have barely fit in it without destroying it; didn’t want that bad luck. Instead I placed one of my discs in the center of the fairy ring. Yep, I crossed the circle with one of my putters and laid it in there. Now one of two things or maybe three will happen; maybe nothing will happen, or my putter will be cursed or it will now be imbibed with a new magical power! I hope for the third of course. My putting could use some help.
Call me crazy, superstitious or down right wonky; I am okay with that. When I first started playing disc golf we would find these hand drawn circles on benches at the beginning of the holes and we would place our disc in them to power up. Maybe this will be like that but to a much greater level? Whatever the case I will use my putter with a much greater confidence and that alone should help. A word of advice, if you find one of these rings tread lightly and understand what you might be getting into if you cross its border. There are many magic rings in this world and none of them should be used lightly. Thank you JRR Tolkien, very wise words.