There are things I say sometimes that don’t make sense, and there are things I say that only the enlightened will understand. I am always striving for the later and I hope in some way the title falls into that category. First of all, when I speak of the enlightened I am not trying to be a snob; I am speaking of those that try to understand, those that still search even when they truly believe they know. I want everyone to be enlightened. Now if you already understand me and are not offended, I will get to the heart of what I am talking about.
My goal and the goal of this post is a typical theme in my writing about writing and life, sometimes, most of the time, we need to shut up & scream. For me this is a metaphor for how we think and act. Too often we cannot think because we are talking or taking part in something that is keeping us from thinking. I have some of my best thought time when I’m driving, which is bad because I want to write things down that I think about, not recommended. I love certain television programs, which is bad for my brain because I really don’t think much when I’m watching the idiot tube, hence the name. I do try to counteract the effect of this by the types of programs I watch; hopefully some of them will encourage me to new weirdness. Not that I need much help in that department. The first point to shut up is all about opening yourself up to the possibility of your brain being given the chance to perform as designed.
Now once you have shut up it is time for the fun part, to scream. I am not talking so much in the literal sense, but if you feel the need then get it out. Clear the air or more importantly your brain, get rid of the cobwebs and clutter, send it all to the dump or the recycle bin. You don’t need the crap, reality t.v. that clutters up your synapses. Once you have done the necessary purging, scream, and by scream I mean do, create, and perform; whatever it is that you do or want to do. When we scream we aren’t just doing we are doing with passion. We are finding something deep inside that will surprise others and reaffirm what we already know.
There is a really great quote I love by Mahatma Gandhi, “Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.” This is absolutely a guiding light for me and much required inspiration for anyone who questions what to do. If you still question what you need to do I can help; first, turn off your cable, then get off the internet and begin to live the life you dream. You may only be able to whisper at first, but it’s a start. Before you know it you will be screaming and it will be amazing.
My goal and the goal of this post is a typical theme in my writing about writing and life, sometimes, most of the time, we need to shut up & scream. For me this is a metaphor for how we think and act. Too often we cannot think because we are talking or taking part in something that is keeping us from thinking. I have some of my best thought time when I’m driving, which is bad because I want to write things down that I think about, not recommended. I love certain television programs, which is bad for my brain because I really don’t think much when I’m watching the idiot tube, hence the name. I do try to counteract the effect of this by the types of programs I watch; hopefully some of them will encourage me to new weirdness. Not that I need much help in that department. The first point to shut up is all about opening yourself up to the possibility of your brain being given the chance to perform as designed.
Now once you have shut up it is time for the fun part, to scream. I am not talking so much in the literal sense, but if you feel the need then get it out. Clear the air or more importantly your brain, get rid of the cobwebs and clutter, send it all to the dump or the recycle bin. You don’t need the crap, reality t.v. that clutters up your synapses. Once you have done the necessary purging, scream, and by scream I mean do, create, and perform; whatever it is that you do or want to do. When we scream we aren’t just doing we are doing with passion. We are finding something deep inside that will surprise others and reaffirm what we already know.
There is a really great quote I love by Mahatma Gandhi, “Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.” This is absolutely a guiding light for me and much required inspiration for anyone who questions what to do. If you still question what you need to do I can help; first, turn off your cable, then get off the internet and begin to live the life you dream. You may only be able to whisper at first, but it’s a start. Before you know it you will be screaming and it will be amazing.