I am a simple creature. There are just things that I love and I believe I talk about them a lot, probably on here, lol. I do apologize but this is my website after all so I am obliged to go on whilst trying to be interesting. Once again I left the little place where I currently live and ventured out into the big world on one of my little adventures. I headed back to St Louis and ended up in my old stomping grounds when I used to live there. While out with the family on night we headed to have a nice dinner at one of our favorite places and we were greeted by two colossal horse statues lit spectacularly. For me these things are captivating to my eye and my brain. Besides the fact they are large and pretty cool is only a small part of how interesting they are until you light them a certain way at night, then bam. The detail the light and shadow creates and leaves out makes them so interesting.
I told you I was simple, besides who said, ‘It’s the small things.’ I agree completely. Since a young age I have always loved the contrasting nature of light and shadow. The way it changes whatever you are looking at into an entirely different thing, that something different has always engaged me and made me look a little harder. I believe this has been necessary for my writing, a key element into being able to describe and translate an idea into something you see and feel. Hopefully this is just a pleasant by-product of something I enjoy seeing.
Me being me I had to get a photo with this majestic beast of a horse, everything about it makes me happy. I want one for my front yard and I am not kidding. I climbed up its base without anyone but my family noticing and a few other innocent bystanders while my nephew took a couple of pics. I tried to be quick and nondestructive as to not get banned from this fine eatery. This makes me imagine my front yard and how I would want it to look one day when I build my little dream house. I want it to be interesting to the eye, it won’t be large but I don’t want it to be plain, never. My creative slightly odd, quirky and artsy architectural side won’t allow it. Thank goodness. This small moment made me happy and maybe the horse also. Is it just me or is that horse smiling?
I told you I was simple, besides who said, ‘It’s the small things.’ I agree completely. Since a young age I have always loved the contrasting nature of light and shadow. The way it changes whatever you are looking at into an entirely different thing, that something different has always engaged me and made me look a little harder. I believe this has been necessary for my writing, a key element into being able to describe and translate an idea into something you see and feel. Hopefully this is just a pleasant by-product of something I enjoy seeing.
Me being me I had to get a photo with this majestic beast of a horse, everything about it makes me happy. I want one for my front yard and I am not kidding. I climbed up its base without anyone but my family noticing and a few other innocent bystanders while my nephew took a couple of pics. I tried to be quick and nondestructive as to not get banned from this fine eatery. This makes me imagine my front yard and how I would want it to look one day when I build my little dream house. I want it to be interesting to the eye, it won’t be large but I don’t want it to be plain, never. My creative slightly odd, quirky and artsy architectural side won’t allow it. Thank goodness. This small moment made me happy and maybe the horse also. Is it just me or is that horse smiling?