It’s October, so what better time for a Halloween post?
Once upon a time, a long long time ago, when I was a student, I was out with friends at a Halloween dance…I know a Halloween dance, it’s silly but I went trying to have fun with friends. Anyway, I picked up my date and another couple in my car, a midnight blue 1986 Mercury Cougar and we went to the dance, oh and not just a dance, a sorority dance; shoot me now. The night progressed as imagined, with the usual complexities of such events and the ultimate boredom that sets in long before the event is over. As you can imagine, this was not my idea of a Halloween evening, but I suffered through it, I guess; actually I don’t have much memory of it at all.
As the soiree came to a merciful end, no one was ready to call it an evening; there was emptiness to the expectations, this had not been Halloween, it had been an abomination but not of the sort expected on October 31st. We piled into my car, exhausted, sober, but in need of something more. No one really knew what they wanted to do but something dawned on me; an idea pricked me and an evil smile spread over my face with the thought. I told everyone there was something we could do and it could be interesting. They were all ears to my proposed solution to our boredom. I told them there was a place we could go for some excitement, the kind of excitement that really only happens in the imagination and not for real but the mere thought of it is exciting. I told them of a really cool cemetery we could visit. What could go wrong? With a plan in place, me driving and the only one there that was familiar with finding said creepy, old, and haunted cemetery; we were off. A car full of teenagers were driving late at night, to the middle of nowhere, to a cemetery with too many scary stories, and on the scariest night of the year; perfect, what could go wrong?
By the time we were close everyone but me was asleep. I looked at the clock and it was almost 1:00 A.M. We were driving on a half paved half gravel road winding through the woods. I told everyone to wake up because we were almost there. I knew within a couple of turns we would be to the entrance. As we made the last turn the usually empty entrance was occupied. My memory is not fuzzy from time gone by, it is as clear as the night it happened, but my impressions are vague because of how quick it happened; there were three cars, appearing all black parked and around them was a large group of people, maybe twelve to fifteen, all standing around with what appeared to be all black clothes with white masks. Everyone in the car was instantly alert and I never stopped, I sped up as much as I could to get past them. I quickly thought of what to do but I had bad news for everyone, I didn’t know the back way out; so we would have to drive back past them. I found the first real driveway to turn around in and the house looked like it was from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, seriously. We didn’t know what to expect as we approached, I went as fast as I could safely; as we came to it they were all still standing there, watching us as we drove by like a bat out of hell. We didn’t let up till we made it back to the university.
No one argues with the story, it happened so fast but we all recall the same thing. We knew we were just goofy teenagers being silly on Halloween, but these people looked far to organized to be messed with. Maybe it was nothing? Maybe it was just a bunch of kids like us being silly? Maybe they were what we thought they were? Now that is a scary thought, but maybe we were so spooked because it was Halloween, and we were on a mission to get the crap scared out of us. Mission accomplished. Whatever the case may be, we didn’t want to end up like every other scary movie. I have been to that particular cemetery at night on a couple of occasions and it was creepy, especially with all of the stories I have heard about it. After that last adventure, I have never been back there at night, especially on Halloween; I won’t do it. To those who know of this cemetery, they know what I mean. And for those looking for some scary excitement on Halloween, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
Once upon a time, a long long time ago, when I was a student, I was out with friends at a Halloween dance…I know a Halloween dance, it’s silly but I went trying to have fun with friends. Anyway, I picked up my date and another couple in my car, a midnight blue 1986 Mercury Cougar and we went to the dance, oh and not just a dance, a sorority dance; shoot me now. The night progressed as imagined, with the usual complexities of such events and the ultimate boredom that sets in long before the event is over. As you can imagine, this was not my idea of a Halloween evening, but I suffered through it, I guess; actually I don’t have much memory of it at all.
As the soiree came to a merciful end, no one was ready to call it an evening; there was emptiness to the expectations, this had not been Halloween, it had been an abomination but not of the sort expected on October 31st. We piled into my car, exhausted, sober, but in need of something more. No one really knew what they wanted to do but something dawned on me; an idea pricked me and an evil smile spread over my face with the thought. I told everyone there was something we could do and it could be interesting. They were all ears to my proposed solution to our boredom. I told them there was a place we could go for some excitement, the kind of excitement that really only happens in the imagination and not for real but the mere thought of it is exciting. I told them of a really cool cemetery we could visit. What could go wrong? With a plan in place, me driving and the only one there that was familiar with finding said creepy, old, and haunted cemetery; we were off. A car full of teenagers were driving late at night, to the middle of nowhere, to a cemetery with too many scary stories, and on the scariest night of the year; perfect, what could go wrong?
By the time we were close everyone but me was asleep. I looked at the clock and it was almost 1:00 A.M. We were driving on a half paved half gravel road winding through the woods. I told everyone to wake up because we were almost there. I knew within a couple of turns we would be to the entrance. As we made the last turn the usually empty entrance was occupied. My memory is not fuzzy from time gone by, it is as clear as the night it happened, but my impressions are vague because of how quick it happened; there were three cars, appearing all black parked and around them was a large group of people, maybe twelve to fifteen, all standing around with what appeared to be all black clothes with white masks. Everyone in the car was instantly alert and I never stopped, I sped up as much as I could to get past them. I quickly thought of what to do but I had bad news for everyone, I didn’t know the back way out; so we would have to drive back past them. I found the first real driveway to turn around in and the house looked like it was from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, seriously. We didn’t know what to expect as we approached, I went as fast as I could safely; as we came to it they were all still standing there, watching us as we drove by like a bat out of hell. We didn’t let up till we made it back to the university.
No one argues with the story, it happened so fast but we all recall the same thing. We knew we were just goofy teenagers being silly on Halloween, but these people looked far to organized to be messed with. Maybe it was nothing? Maybe it was just a bunch of kids like us being silly? Maybe they were what we thought they were? Now that is a scary thought, but maybe we were so spooked because it was Halloween, and we were on a mission to get the crap scared out of us. Mission accomplished. Whatever the case may be, we didn’t want to end up like every other scary movie. I have been to that particular cemetery at night on a couple of occasions and it was creepy, especially with all of the stories I have heard about it. After that last adventure, I have never been back there at night, especially on Halloween; I won’t do it. To those who know of this cemetery, they know what I mean. And for those looking for some scary excitement on Halloween, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.