Toy Time
Spring for me is a great time and I am sure I am not alone. I am in the mood to go outside and enjoy the fresh air for any reason. On my days off, when it hasn’t been raining, I have been going out for about an hour to tromp through the woods and fields throwing some disc. Over the last several years I have collected a small assortment of discs, besides the few I lose every year to errant throws. So my disc golf bag is full and I can’t carry all the ones I want or need. Finally, I bit the bullet and purchased the big fancy disc golf bag of my dreams. Go ahead and say it…not necessary, splurge and maybe downright silly. I agree, but I did it anyway. I have been looking at this one for about two years now, I have actually had it added to my shopping cart on numerous occasions and I always talked myself out of it because it was more than I should justify.
I am not a pro but with this I may look like one…that is not the desire. If people think that, they will just have to watch me play some to see I am clearly still working at this. Right now this is the only sport or extra-curricular activity I participate in, so done and done, I bought it. I believe that everyone needs to remain active in whichever way they see fit or are able to do. I am not a member of a gym anymore so I have no fees to pay every month, so there is some cost justification. What is that expression; the right tool for the right job? I will not turn this into a PSA for staying active but since I spent the money, I will feel encouraged to get my use out of it.
I now have all of my bases covered with my two bags, a small one I use when I want to limit my discs, which was a gift from my nephews, thank you; and a big one that can hold everything if I want…and I can feel like a pro, autographs available soon. Maybe that too will help my game, confidence is a great placebo. This toy is overkill I would say for sure but it’s mine, my precious…wait, did that just come out of me? Oh well, any weirdness aside I will be putting my new super fabulous extraordinary disc golf bag to good use and testing it this weekend with a fun filled frolic of disc golf. Review to come soon. I know, it will be hard for you to contain yourself with the sheer spectacle of me gushing over my new toy. Yes yes, you are sufficiently jealous I can tell. My work here is done. Now, who wants to play
Spring for me is a great time and I am sure I am not alone. I am in the mood to go outside and enjoy the fresh air for any reason. On my days off, when it hasn’t been raining, I have been going out for about an hour to tromp through the woods and fields throwing some disc. Over the last several years I have collected a small assortment of discs, besides the few I lose every year to errant throws. So my disc golf bag is full and I can’t carry all the ones I want or need. Finally, I bit the bullet and purchased the big fancy disc golf bag of my dreams. Go ahead and say it…not necessary, splurge and maybe downright silly. I agree, but I did it anyway. I have been looking at this one for about two years now, I have actually had it added to my shopping cart on numerous occasions and I always talked myself out of it because it was more than I should justify.
I am not a pro but with this I may look like one…that is not the desire. If people think that, they will just have to watch me play some to see I am clearly still working at this. Right now this is the only sport or extra-curricular activity I participate in, so done and done, I bought it. I believe that everyone needs to remain active in whichever way they see fit or are able to do. I am not a member of a gym anymore so I have no fees to pay every month, so there is some cost justification. What is that expression; the right tool for the right job? I will not turn this into a PSA for staying active but since I spent the money, I will feel encouraged to get my use out of it.
I now have all of my bases covered with my two bags, a small one I use when I want to limit my discs, which was a gift from my nephews, thank you; and a big one that can hold everything if I want…and I can feel like a pro, autographs available soon. Maybe that too will help my game, confidence is a great placebo. This toy is overkill I would say for sure but it’s mine, my precious…wait, did that just come out of me? Oh well, any weirdness aside I will be putting my new super fabulous extraordinary disc golf bag to good use and testing it this weekend with a fun filled frolic of disc golf. Review to come soon. I know, it will be hard for you to contain yourself with the sheer spectacle of me gushing over my new toy. Yes yes, you are sufficiently jealous I can tell. My work here is done. Now, who wants to play